What is Earthquake Impact and Its Dangerous Level ?

Hi everybody, earthquakes cause lots of damage and health, this is an unavoidable natural hazard, but we can prevent and reduce these risks.

Thing that we can do now is to get earthquake kit preparation. Now let's find out more in this article.

The impact of earthquakes

The direct impact of earthquakes is ground shaking, causing cracking, collapsing of construction works, causing landslides and avalanches.

Its severity is based on the intensity, distance from the epicenter, and geological and geomorphological conditions at the affected site.

Earthquakes that occur on the ocean floor can cause landslides or sea floor deformities, causing tsunamis (large waves that overtake the ocean and land). Earthquakes sometimes make volcanoes work, even volcanoes that have been extinguished for a long time ...

Dangerous level of earthquake

Earthquakes cause tsunamis. When an earthquake struck the ocean floor, the seismic force pushed the giant water mass up. For several hundred km2, the water mass is pushed up and down, creating large waves that overflow the ocean and land.

Earthquakes sometimes make volcanoes work, even volcanoes that have been extinguished for a long time. Because the cracked ground creates opportunities for magma eruption. These phenomena when combined together will create unforeseen disasters.

Because earthquake happened so suddenly as well as its danger, while there was nothing we could do to prevent it, the only way to deal with it was to minimize its dangers and damages.

Hopefully the information above, HealthN.net has provided enough information for readers, wish you a new day of work effectively.


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